Re:Framing migration in European media
Media shapes our imagination and structures our interactions in the public sphere. Across Europe, migrant communities and individuals are raising their voices to reclaim their rights to self-representation and to participate in those debates that help us reach a more open and inclusive society.
This podcast is a platform for those voices created by people with a migration background. The series will follow various activities, people, communities, ideas and experiments popping up during the Re:Framing migration in European media project. The hosts, Barly and Mo, will guide the listeners through European by showcasing best practices on decolonising newsrooms, introduce you to the Re:Framing community and give you extra insights on the organised activities for example the City Assemblies, research and the Decolonial Newsroom.
Episode 1: Lampedusa
Lampedusa, a small island in the south of Italy, is home to thousands of tourists every year because of its breathtaking beaches. We just have to google it to see its beauty. The tone however shifts considerably once we stop looking at the images, and decide to have a look at the news coming from it. Why is this paradise island such a crucial political enclave regarding migration? In this episode, we will be talking with Fernando, one of the co-founders of the Comitato 3 October, in which he enlightens us about the history behind the organisation, and the activities they currently carry out to raise awareness of the situation lived by migrants.
Bio Barly
Barly Tshibanda was born and raised in Kinshasa, Congo. He he received his education from the Academie des Beaux-Arts Kinshasa and INA (Institut National des Arts de Kinshasa), and is currently studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark. His practice is centered around decolonization processes and anti-border regime strategies. He draws inspiration from different lived experiences with the European border regime and racism in Denmark. He has a strong connection with local activist and artist groups in Denmark and Congo. Amongst others he is a member of Bridge Radio from Copenhagen and La Folie dance crew from Kinshasa. In the work of Tshibanda the necessity to connect these two places of belonging is present.
The Bridge radio is a community radio for and by people in the asylum system and with migration experience, however in the radio there are also people with citizenship. The Radio group consists of people with different legal status – with and without danish citizenship and with different personal experiences of migration.. We hope to build a broad network of reporters in the camps.
Bio Mohamed S Bah
Mohamed S Bah is an activist, living in Amsterdam who works actively on creating platforms for undocumented people in the city to gain access to information and let their voices be heard. He is the communication manager at Amsterdam City Rights and the host of the podcast City Rights Radio. City Rights Radio is a platform for the community of people who are undocumented in the city. Recently Mohamed also launched the City Rights App to improve access to information for undocumented people in cities. The app shows you all the facilities for undocumented people and also provides a space for learning and exchange among the community.
Episode 2: Safety and the deep blue sea
Students play an important role in advancing towards social justice and enhancing human rights all over the world. In this episode, we have had the opportunity to talk to four young students who decided to come to Lampedusa. Not conforming with the information received by the media, they are ready to go all hands on deck in the matter to create their own story about it, participating in the different organizations and activities. What motivated them to go there? What were their expectations and what impacted them the most? Join us in this episode to know more about it!
In this podcast you hear interviews with Lucia Orrù, Eva Parodi, Amani Chironda and Marcello Romano. Translations were made by Emma Jo Griffith.
Episode 3: 3rd of October 2013
On the 3rd of October 2013, a boat going from Libya to Italy sank in Lampedusa with reportedly five hundred migrants on board. The outcome was 155 survivors, 359 deaths and many more reported as missing, and later, dead. Every 3rd of October, there’s a memorial in Lampedusa to remember those involved, and to raise awareness of the situation migrants have to face, not only to make it to safe land, but to survive once they get there.
In this episode, we will talk with 4 testimonials attending the commemoration day in 2022; one of them being a survivor himself of the shipwreck. They will let us know about the reality of being a migrant, their emotions regarding the matter, and their daily fights, always keeping a positive note asking for the European Youth to get involved and do something about it. Enjoy!
In this podcast, you hear interviews with Mpanzu Bamenga and survivors present on Lampedusa.
This podcast is made by Barly Tsibanda and Mohamed S. Bah, brought to you by the European Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Here to Support, City Rights Radio and the Bridge Radio.
Music credits go to the artist Nina Simone with the song I wish I knew how it would feel to be free, and ‘Mother Earth’ by Black Motion ft McKenzie
Episode 4: Detained DaVincis
Gabriela Ramírez is a Venezuelan storyteller researching the intersections of journalism, innovation and product strategy at Unbias the News. In this episode, she shares with us her work about detained asylum seekers in Lithuania. It runs the gamut from her personal experience used as a motivation, to her first hand involvement being in detention centers, as well as the impact the article had in deconstructing previous beliefs. Want to see what a more equitable and inclusive journalism looks like? Join us!
This podcast is made by Barly Tsibanda and Mohamed S. Bah, brought to you by the European Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Here to Support, City Rights Radio and the Bridge Radio.
Music credits go Lesfm with Ukelele trip
Artwork credits go to Barly Tshibanda.
Episode 5: Nice to meet you too
Welcome back to another episode. In the precedent ones, we have embarked ourselves on a journey of discovering new testimonies from people we have had the chance to encounter throughout the implementation of the project.
Today’s episode is a special one. How much do we know about our hosts? How is this project linked to their own podcast/radio shows? Who are the people involved in this, what is their motivation and what does the outcome of this project looks like for now? We have the answers for this! Join us in a conversation with Mohammed S Bah, Barly Tsibanda, Liza Saris and Savannah Koolen, hosted by Paula Soli. Enjoy!
To learn more about the magazine, follow our Instagram media_actions:
Credits: for the Music
Title One love
Vocals by Bahghi
Recorded by Bahghi Yemane
Keys by Tez Thompson
Written and produced by Simoti Bahghi Yemane
Mixed by Mark Fazio
Episode 6: The Body Soul And Spaces
Welcome back to another episode! This time, we are going to be traveling all the way to Barcelona, where the second assembly for this project took place. Our guests are Bea Duodu, Sònia Masuda and Irina Samy, and they will be sharing their own personal experiences as well as the challenges face by migrants and/ or people of color living there. What does it mean to have a migrant background in Spain? How do local people of Barcelona perceive a non-white person, and how different are they treated because of stereotypes? or even, does the media narrative change in this country which is also a crucial enclave for newcomers? Join us if you want to know more about how the migrant and anti-racist community are organizing themselves, creating a notable impact in the city. See you in the next one!
In this podcast, you hear interviews with Beatrice Duodu, Sonia Masuda, Irina Samy and Fatou Diaby.
This podcast is made by Barly Tsibanda and Mohamed S. Bah, brought to you by the European Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Here to Support, City Rights Radio and the Bridge Radio.
Music credits: SOURWAH – Its going down (feat. Maya Miko)
Episode 7: Breaking Barriers: Stories from the Margins
Welcome back to another episode! We are not leaving Spain just yet! This time we are going to the capital city of the Kingdom of Spain; Madrid! We are bringing you amazing guests who will continue with the narrative started in the precedent episode. Moha Gerehou – a journalist and Cheikh Abdoul Khadre -antiracist and food activist will be with us today. In this episode, we will be talking about plenty of subjects that are very much intertwined among them. What are the challenges of being a journalist with a migrant background? What role does the Spanish media play in perpetuating harmful stereotypes? How does it feel to be constantly reminded about your race because you represent an otherness?
Join us to know more about the experiences lived by them, nonetheless shared by the majority of POC/ black people in the country. See you in the next one!