The magazine gathers the most transferable approaches used by people trying to transform the position of refugees and migrants in the public sphere. The magazine is written and edited by members of the community, reflecting on their own approaches and highlighting their community. It’s an inspirational guide for anyone who cares about making their own community media.
AMSTERDAM · 11-12 MAY 2023
The final event of the project gathers over two hundred people, sharing the outputs and learning from the pilot with representatives of public, commercial and independent media from across Europe, journalists, experts in migration and inclusion, media & fake news analysts.
The project Re:Framing Migrants in the European Media has brought together mediamakers with a migrant background to develop tools and new forms of media that challenge inequalities in the media sphere.
The incubator is an in-person learning space for socially engaged artists and investigative journalists to think and debate for several days about process and methods when it comes to storytelling and representation of migrants. Guest speakers lead discussions and offer critical provocations around specific themes and topics that constitute the programme.
A collaboration between legacy media and migrant-led community media will be created through 20 journalists, working in “tandem” to create media together for both outlets. The journalist will participate in workshops to build connections and train both sides on relevant issues for improving media representation of migrants in the media.
Social media are increasingly part of people’s routine, but its use and dynamics can violate human rights. This research explores how platforms’ models of governance and algorythms can lead to severe intrusions of fundamental rights such as the rights to equality, non-discrimination and privacy, and can escalate to new forms of systemic violence.
MADRID · JULY 5 TO 8 2022
Around 60 people from different parts of the world gathered in Madrid to be part of the Decolonizing the Newsroom programme coordinated by ZEMOS98 and Conscience Afro.
The assemblies in five European cities bring together journalists, activists, artists and community members from migrant and refugee communities. The meetings will be an exercise in active listening, radical engagement and co-creation, to get a clear grassroots bottom-up sense of the issue of migrant representation in media.

On the digital platform journalists, activists and artists interact, share knowledge and experience, pitch ideas and co-create pieces of media related portraying the views of migrants and refugees. The forum supports people with a recent refugee and migrant background who (want to) work as journalists.